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Legal system

        General knowledge about labor law at South Korea’s key. 

(A) the law on employment. Employment law consists of regulations. Related to the relationship between employer and employee. Various labor law. Contained in the Constitution Act of South Korea, 1987 edition of harbor in Section 32 paragraph 3 by the standards of working conditions must comply with the law in that class. Guarantee of human dignity. 

    * Labor Standards Act (Labour Standard Act). 

      The objective of this law to specify in the contract law principles. Between employers and employees. Legal Issue this site is developed in the direction of adjustment to changing conditions. Environment of the labor market and efforts to strengthen the level of labor protection. Through the creation of stable employment. 

    * Legal minimum wage (Minimum Wage Act). 

      This law in effect when the year 1986 by the harbor’s infrastructure have allowed the government set a minimum wage obstacle to improve the quality of life. And well-being of migrants from the date of January 1, 2552 until December 31, 2552 the minimum hourly wage will be 4,000 won per hour wage daily (working 8 hours per day) will receive 32,000 won per day wage income. months (working 40 hours per week) and will receive 836,000 won monthly wage (working 44 hours per week) will receive 904,000 won, respectively. 

    * Legal equality in employment opportunities (Equal Employment Act). 

      This law in effect when the harbor of this 1987 Act is intended to guarantee equal opportunities and practices. Between men and women in employment, this legislation also refers to the development of the social status of women workers. 

    * Industrial safety laws and health (Industrial Safety and Health Act). 

      This Law is aimed at preventing accidents and industrial. Creating the right working environment for medical workers. 

    * Paid legal insurance, industrial accident compensation (Industrial Accidnet Compensation Act). 

      This Law is intended to pay compensation of work accidents. Quickly and fairly under the insurance system. 

(B) labor laws (Collective Labour Relations). 

    * Trade union law and labor relations update (Trade Union and Labour Relations Adjustment Act). 

      This Law is intended to improve working conditions. As well as economic and social status of workers by providing labor to have the right to negotiate and as the co-operation. This law focuses on the principle of joint bargaining. Management problems in labor disputes and unfair practices. 

    * Law Commission labor (Labour Relations Commission Act). 

      This Law is intended to establish a Commission to labor. The Commission develops labor, labor is a tripartite manner comprises representatives from the Department of Labor. Employers and the public with relevant interests. 

Things to know when considering employment. 

   1. In the employment. Employers must provide equal employment opportunities between men and women. Employers must not select testers Prati against women by reason of differences in gender. How to set salaries. Education / training. The graduate. Retirement, etc.. 

   2. Employers to hire more than 30 employees must employ workers with disabilities more than 2 percent of the total number of regular workers. Employers who do not follow the rules must pay a fine. 

   3. Employers to hire more than 300 workers will be hired out of retirement more than 3 percent of the total number of regular workers. 

   4. By reason of security. Employers will not hire non-working features. Without work permits or work skills in such hazardous work related to radiation. 

   5. Women and children younger than 18 years can not work also harm the employer can not hire children younger than 15 years without a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor Korea.